For every student graduating from medical school, there are a variety of opportunities nationwide and one way to attract talent is through recruitment bonuses. The Barnesville EDA , who oversees the Revolving Loan Fund, was pleased to assist Lake Region Healthcare in...
Community Grant
Members of the board have been active participants in the Childcare Taskforce since last November. That group encouraged the School District to relaunch the Kids Club program as a way to help address childcare needs in Barnesville. To make sure the program happened,...
Educational Scholarships
On an annual basis, BEST awards upwards of $60,000 in scholarships to graduating BHS seniors. Funds for these scholarships come as cash donations given by individuals, organizations and local businesses. In addition to general scholarships, there are several named...
Giving Hearts Day
Giving Heart’s Day helped raise an estimated $55,000 for a new Community Outdoor Activity Court. The court will feature four heavy-duty, height adjustable basketball hoops, as well as striping for basketball, four square, hopscotch and pickleball. It will be used by...