School Foundation

On an annual basis, the BACF Advisory Board earmarks funds to the Barnesville School District to enhance the quality of education. Throughout the region, School Foundations are used as a powerful and effective resource when traditional funding through the school district budgets haven’t been quite enough.
School administration and staff are encouraged apply for funds for a specific project. These requests are then reviewed by a nine-member advisory board. Funds are available for a wide variety of purposes, excluding staff salaries and benefits or for student scholarships.
Some of the projects assisted through the School Foundation include the following:
- Books for High School Library
- Furniture for the Elementary Library
- iPad for RTI Groups & Testing
- Curriculum for the History department
- Equipment for the Special
- Education department
- Junior Achievement program
- Barnesville Robotics team
- Camera for Wrestling Team
- Playground Equipment for Atkinson Elementary
- Field Trips for K-6th Grade
- Youth Frontiers Bullying Program
- High School Speech Team
Barnesville Public Schools Hall of Honor
The School Foundation also coordinates the Barnesville Public Schools Hall of Honor, which annually recognizes Barnesville High alumni in the areas of Administration/Teachers, the Arts. Athletics, Academics and Community.
2019 inductees into the Hall of Honor were:
Jaynie Halvorson, 2006 2007 Girls Basketball Team, Holly Inniger, Roland Holm, Dennis Kragnes, and Hugh Trowbridge
Past recipients have included:
Margaret Ann Thompson, Jerry Feigum, Dave Johnson, the 1975 Track Team, Eugene “Huck” Arneson, Jennings B. Klug, David Harold Swenson, Delbert Peterson, Jim Bergeson, Dave Bulik, Glenn Filipi, Alissa Nibbe, Ed Thompson, Rosie Carr, John Bodine Jr., Father Joseph Kieselbach, Scott Staska, Nancy Albright, Susie Thompson, Paula Haugrud, Mark, Paul & Kirk Anderson, Jerry Loegering, Craig Shulstad, Beverly Bales, Duane Swenson, Keith (Kip) Emerson, Cortney Sylvester, John Ness, Dick Zollar, Brian Halverson, Sheila Carlson, Dave Willard and Dean Tonsfeldt.
Nominations are accepted throughout the year by completing the Hall of Honor Nomination form.
For more information about the School Foundation, contact Ryan Tonsfeldt at (218) 354-2378.